Family Service Agency Board of Trustees Co-Presidents

Board Of Directors

Family Service Agency has an active, all-volunteer Board of Directors comprised of community leaders who generously contribute their time, leadership and expertise to guide FSA. Standing Committees address critical and strategic “big picture” issues by providing oversight and evaluation of the Agency’s programmatic and fiduciary operations. Family Service Agency also assembles Ad Hoc Task Forces and Work Groups when an emerging issue impacts our operation.

Robert Janeway
Tricia Price

Co-VP’s, Programs
Arianna Castellanos
Edward Tran

VP, Development
Maria McCall

Blanca Mejia, J.D.
Linda Sessler

VP, Governance
Teressa Johnes

Patty Herrera

Board Members
Shawn Carey
Courtney Cazenave
Paul Cordeiro
Ed Galanski
Alex Murkison
Ward Rafferty
Nancy Saengjaeng
Paul Van Meel​

Honorary Directors

Honorary Directors are past Board members who have been elected by the Board unanimously due to their outstanding service to Family Service Agency. They continue to help lead and direct the Agency’s efforts by serving on committees and through their attendance and contributions at Board meetings.

Shirley Ann Hurley

Past Presidents Council

The Past Presidents Council recognizes and honors individuals who have made significant contributions of leadership and service as Presidents of Family Service Agency’s Board of Directors. Council members continue their involvement with FSA through various activities.

Terri Zuniga
Robin Doell Sawaske
Katya Armistead
Cole Kinney
Roberta Heter
Stephanie Wilson
Kathy O’Leary
Stephen Allyn
Marni Cooney
John Free
Beverly Hartman King
Mark B. Lee
Gail McMahon Persoon
Patricia L. Reid
Sybil Rosen