Transforming Lives Together Celebrating 125 Years

Every child deserves to thrive. Can you help us support

students like Andres in overcoming anxiety and building resilience?

Andres dreaded coming to school, often experiencing stomach aches due to nerves. Not able to open up about what he was feeling, he was at risk of falling further behind.

Thankfully, through weekly sessions with FSA’s school-based counselor, he learned to identify and express his feelings and needs. He discovered ways to cope with anxiety and stressful situations. In role-playing with his counselor, he got to practice assertive communication and managing conflicts constructively.

These positive counseling experiences gradually gave Andres the confidence he needed to open up in real life, and his stomach aches became less frequent and intense. Andres’ teacher witnessed his remarkable growth during a challenging interaction with a classmate. When called an unflattering name, Andres calmly expressed his dissatisfaction and asserted himself, showcasing his newfound inner strength and the transformative power of our school-based counseling program. His academic performance also improved.

With FSA’s help, Andres

  • Learned to identify and express his feelings
  • Developed coping mechanisms for anxiety and stress
  • Practiced assertive communication and conflict management
  • Gained confidence and saw improvement in his physical well-being

Andres’ story is just one example of how FSA’s services make a lasting difference.

As we celebrate our 125-year legacy, we invite you to join us in continuing this important work. Your generosity and dedication are crucial to our mission, and we are beyond grateful for your support. Without the support of donors like you, FSA would not be able to provide the essential services that help individuals believe in themselves and build resilience.

Together, we can continue to transform lives and build a healthier, more resilient community.